Thursday, May 3, 2007


Well, after much discussion in my head as to whether or not to start one of these things I made a decision as you can read.

Oh, so now I have to type something? Too much pressure for now. I'll have to think about this and get back to you. Sigh.

I've spent a lot of time trying to think of what I want to call this as it is a reflection of me. It will speak volumns of how I move through the world. WTF, you will never know who I am so I should just get on with it...hmmm, title, hmmm, pressure. The pressure for a name...Cinderfuckinrella! As much as it hurts me to admit it, I happen to like that movie as it has a lot of really funny lines to shoot off at someone. "Kit, this isn't a buffet" is a favorite.

You can see how dangerous this blog might be as my mind seems to wander. So, in order to help keep it simple I have decided this will be it because after all, I'm just a simple girl with a simple dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and I are destined to be great blog buddies...the moment you said Cinderfuckinrella I knew, I just knew!

That's one of my favorites.

I loved the line when she was in the elevator and told the old guy $50 bucks Grandpa, for $75 the wife can watch"

I'd log in but I'm at home and I can't but this is me...weekends off